Latin America is immersed in a process of educational transformation: an evolution towards a new more innovative school, that empowers the role of the teacher and puts the student at the centre, offering them a personalised education and preparing them for the challenges of the future.
It is a new school where it is essential that everyone fits in and no one is left behind. This is especially important after the pandemic, which increased inequalities and brought new challenges to the table, such as re-engaging students in the education system and learning recovery.

Did you know…..
According to data from the World Bank and the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, there are currently 15 million young children and adolescents who do not go to school and is estimated that students lost, on average, between one and almost two years of learning.
Rarely has physical and emotional health been so important. A survey by UNICEF carried out at the end of 2020 pointed out that 27% of young people felt anxiety and 15% suffered from depression. Taking care of the wellbeing of students and teaching them, from an early age, to manage their emotions are key aspects in this new scenario.
Observing the roots to keep growing
At Santillana we believe that socio-emotional skills are essential for people’s development. Within our educational offer, there are content and programmes that help students understand how their brain works and work on their emotional intelligence.

Presentation event for UNOIntelligence, Mexico.
In Mexico, this topic is an integral part of UNOi and an essential pillar of the new UNOIntelligence platform, because thanks to intelligent data, schools can get a complete X-ray of the emotions, interests and performance of their students.
Our team of coaches also play a key role part in facilitating the implementation of digital solutions in educational centres, with training and advice.
Within Compartir, there is also a thinking and socio-emotional skills programme, which includes innovative tools for diagnosing mental and emotional health, with the help of our team of coaches.
In addition, in 2022, emotions were the central theme of the International Forum of Compartir Educators, a series of webinars aimed at teachers where the neuroeducation expert, Hernan Aldana gave them the main keys to emotional management.

Featured Project
Discover Nucleo, a project integrated into Compartir Chile
In 2023, Santillana is working on the expansion of Emotilab, an experiential educational proposal that develops students’ socio-emotional competencies so that they build their own way of being, develop their personal identity, take responsible decisions and establish harmonious relationships with others.
The experience of belonging to the same ecosystem
In an environment of high competition and low birth-rates, educational marketing is becoming increasingly fierce in schools in Latin America. When choosing an educational centre for their children, families take different variables into consideration, with experience becoming increasingly important.
Featured project
Discover Marketing Assist, a project which helps effectively communicate the value proposition of schools
In Peru for example, it is estimated that two out of every three families decide on the school for their children based on what they find on the internet.
In response to this demand, Santillana has been offering different services and resources for years to train school directors on these issues with the aim of helping them improve school management and the relationship with families and students.
In 2022, the company organised the First International Congress on Educational Marketing, within the framework of its Escuelas Memorables project, an initiative which aims to provide communication and marketing tools to school directors in Latin America.