Our why
All of us who are part of Santillana share a passion for education and a very clear purpose: to develop the potential of children so that they can become what they want and deserve to be.
With this always in mind, we strive every day to guarantee an inclusive education of the highest quality, which prepares students for the challenges of the present and the future.
We want to be a transformative agent in education, helping to create better life opportunities for millions of students and also contributing to the fulfilment of the United Nations Agenda 2030.
We channel this commitment through our different brands and also through the Santillana Foundation (Fundación Santillana) which has four priority lines of action: equal opportunities, equality, inclusion and teacher training.

Our why
All of us who are part of Santillana share a passion for education and a very clear purpose: to develop the potential of children so that they can become what they want and deserve to be.
With this always in mind, we strive every day to guarantee an inclusive education of the highest quality, which prepares students for the challenges of the present and the future.
We want to be a transformative agent in education, helping to create better life opportunities for millions of students and also contributing to the fulfilment of the United Nations Agenda 2030.
We channel this commitment through our different brands and also through the Santillana Foundation (Fundación Santillana) which has four priority lines of action: equal opportunities, equality, inclusion and teacher training.
our why
The Sustainability Master Plan 2022-2025
Our ESG roadmap is Prisa’s Sustainability Master Plan 2022-2025, which applies both to Santillana and the rest of the Group’s business units.
With nearly 80 actions and specific measurement indicators, this plan focuses on three major commitments:
- The real, direct and positive impact that our content and services have on students and schools, especially on the ability to make them aware of the great social and environmental challenges facing society.
- The responsible management of talent, the supply chain and the environment.
- A committed governance that ensures ethical values and compliance at corporate level.
You can find out more about this road map here.
Commitment to the environment
As a company that produces educational content in different formats, at Santillana we have a strong commitment to minimising the impact we have on the environment and to environmental education.
Virtually all the paper we buy for printing comes from responsibly managed forests. In addition, we are turning to other more ecological alternatives, such as the sugarcane paper used in Columbia.

Picture of our offices in Bogota, Colombia.
Our commitment to the environment can also be seen in our management. We have sustainable offices, like the one in Bogota, where we have implemented the best environmental practices, and we are putting in place different measures to improve the management of waste and reduce the impact of our travelling, such as the change of fuel in the commercial vehicle fleet in Brazil, where we have begun to switch from gasoline to ethanol, which emits 90% less CO2.
In this country, through our Santillana Educaçao and Moderna brands, we have assumed the commitments of the United Nations Global Compact, the most important sustainability business network in the world.

Due to the transformative capacity of education, a part of our social commitment centres on raising awareness, through our content, of the main challenges posed by Agenda 2030.
We also raise awareness through stories: currently the group’s different literature imprints have more than 2000 titles to work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
From a pedagogical point of view, activities have also been included within Loqueleo Digital to bring Agenda 2030 closer to students in a practical way.
100% of our new projects already incorporate sustainability issues and try to reflect the diversity of our society.
We also lead important projects that have a positive impact on society, such as #VoyaSer, developed in Guatemala and Peru, where we are helping indigenous girls from low-income families to complete their secondary education and train in digital and socio-emotional skills.
We also make donations of books and educational materials in all our countries to the most disadvantaged sectors, in some cases with the participation of our own employees.

Given that they are Santillana’s most valuable asset, part of our sustainability strategy is focused on protecting and promoting this talent. In 2022 we offered more than 45,000 hours of training to our entire workforce.
On the other hand, we attach great importance to alliances to achieve even greater impact. From the different countries in which we operate, we maintain agreements with non-profit organisations to promote our social action.
Examples include our collaboration with The Cecilia Rivadeneira Foundation, in Ecuador: the agreement with EcoExploratorio, in Puerto Rico, and the alliance with the Institute for Child Development, ARIE, in Peru.
Committed Governance
At Santillana, we have a Code of Ethics that includes the company’s commitments in terms of human rights, the defence of freedoms, equal opportunities, etc and which is a guide of conduct for employees in their day-to-day activities. Currently, 100% of our professionals have adhered to this Code of Ethics.
So that everyone is aware of it, we promote training and communication on this subject and also, on data management.
In 2022, we prepared the Corporate Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data to provide a standard of principles and obligations in the protection of personal data common to all companies in the countries where we operate.