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8M Conectadas Campaign

Education in the digital age to achieve gender equality

#8MConectadas is one of the communication and awareness actions we launched in 2023, coinciding with International Women’s Day.

The campaign consisted of different materials, which were posted on the web page. The most important of these was a list of 64 Latin American women who today stand out in different disciplines, such as soccer, architecture or science, and who are role models for present and future generations. The ultimate goal was to make visible and recognize their talent.

In addition, two informative articles were published: “No digital divide, gender equality”, from our portal Compartir en Familia; and “Conectadas por la educación”, about our #VoyaSer program.

Recommended readings

We cannot ignore the notable gap in digital access and education. To promote a more egalitarian vision, UNESCO proposes some measures in this regard.

The #VoyaSer program connects girls in vulnerable situations and offers them an opportunity: to continue their training and prepare for an increasingly digital world.


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