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Our Environmental Management Plan

One of the actions set out in PRISA’s Sustainability Master Plan 2022-2025 is the project to build an environmental management model for the Group. The aim is to improve our environmental management, especially in relation to the fight against climate change.

As part of this initiative, Santillana and the rest of the business units have carried out an initial analysis to understand the needs of our environmental management and, thus, be able to establish an integral system.

The diagnosis and planning allowed us to gain an in-depth understanding of how environmental management was being addressed so far, to assess the level of compliance with environmental legislation and to analyze the requirements defined by the international standard ISO 14001:2015.

In the first diagnostic phase, the different environmental vectors (water, energy, waste, and emissions) were analyzed in order to identify the environmental impacts generated by the organization and to know how they were being managed. In addition, other parameters included in environmental management such as mobility, training, and internal as well as external communication, among others, were evaluated.

The ultimate goal is to continue advancing along the roadmap set out in the Master Plan until climate neutrality is achieved.


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