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Sustainable Suppliers

In 2023 Santillana, as part of the PRISA Group, participated in the “Sustainable Suppliers training program, promoted by the United Nations Global Compact in Spain, in collaboration with ICEX Spain Export and Investment (ICEX) and the ICO Foundation.

This is a program with an international scope, which aims to provide sustainability training for SMEs that supply large Spanish companies that are members of the initiative, based on the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To this end, it offers training in Spanish, English and Portuguese, through online courses, live sessions and downloadable materials (practical guides, editable templates, and extra resources, among others).

In total, more than 1,200 small and medium-sized companies from 35 countries accessed this training in the first edition. Santillana was one of the companies that supported this initiative, making it available to its main suppliers so that they can reinforce their knowledge of sustainability and, in this way, extend their commitment to the entire supply chain.

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