In 2022 we developed new educational projects characterized by their innovative nature, such as UNOIntelligence in Mexico. This is a platform with the necessary technological infrastructure to collect, organise and present data on the interests, emotions and academic performance of students in 6th grade primary and the three grades of secondary at UNOi schools, for the first phase of development.

This offers schools information about their students that goes beyond academic experience and helps take strategic decisions that improve the educational experience.

Aligned with this project, we also created the Educational Intelligence podcast, which is available on Spotify, where the educational trends that will mark UNOi’s future agenda are discussed with experts.

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“Without doubt, the new great educational paradigm, after pedagogy and neuroscience, is data. Data is the new great educational revolution. Not just any type of data – but those filtered through the learning algorithm.”.
Ernesto Núñez
Director of Content at Santillana Mexico and creator of UNOIntelligence
"UNOintelligence lays the foundation for the future of the company. It represents a paradigm shift in the way in which we create content and support schools in their daily work. Decision making based on the collection and analysis of data provided by users allows us to have a detailed map of feeling, doing and learning and will give us the opportunity to support them closely in the construction of their learning stories, while we revolutionise our way of imagining the school and creating high value content”
Ana Laura Deceano
Content Producer at Santillana Privada
"Exploring the UNOintelligence dashboard has been a very pleasant experience. Not only is it easy to navigate round but it also gives us the opportunity to learn about the real interests and emotions of our students through accurate data. This allows us to take informed decisions and develop much more efficient work strategies for our school community”.
Carlos Baquedano
Director of Alamus Sur College (UNOi)


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