#VoyaSer programme

If we zoom in on the problem of the digital divide, we can also talk about a digital gender divide. According to UNESCO and EQUALS, women are 1.6 times less likely than men to have digital skills. The perception of technology as a masculine field, together with the low visibility given to prominent females in the field of technology influences the lack of confidence in girls.

In response to this context, in 2022 Santillana created, together with the Intercultural Foundation Fe and Alegría, the #VoyaSer programme, an initiative which impacts on people with a very vulnerable profile: indigenous girls from low-income families.  

The project, developed in Guatemala and Peru, accompanies girls during their final year at secondary school, with the aim of helping them complete their education. In addition, it offers them comprehensive help:

  • Financial support so they can continue with their studies
  • Social support, with a course in emotional intelligence and the support of Santillana coaches.
  • Technological support: with a course for students and teachers on basic digital skills. In 2022, Santillana kitted out both educational centres with computers to complement this help.
“#Voyaser is a project that is fully aligned with our company purpose and with the Group’s sustainability strategy, as set out in the 2022-2025 Master Plan. It is a clear example of how, with education, we can transform society”.
Francisco Cuadrado
Santillana Executive Chairman
“This programme covers the different dimensions of the right to education. And it goes beyond simple economic support, by delving into the technological and social aspect of learning, thanks to the different courses it offers the student and the teacher”.
Daniel Villanueva
Executive Vice President of the Intercultural Foundation
"It has been very gratifying to see what they have learned over the course, and, above all, what #VoyaSer has meant for them in terms of self-esteem and empowerment".
Adriana Beltrán
Head of Marketing, Santillana Guatemala
"#VoyaSer has allowed more girls to enrol in school due to the word-of-mouth effect”.
Ernesto Cavassa
Director of Fe and Alegria, Peru
"The support has been another key aspect. For us it has been very nice to be able to support them and to see them grow over the course of the programme".
Miriam Parra
Head of Marketing, Santillana Peru
"In a survey we did, we asked them what they were going to be when they finished the programme and it was very lovely to see that some of their expectations had changed. You realise how the exercise of freedom and rights gives them the option to imagine different futures".
Julio Pérez
Responsible for institutional development at Fe and Alegría in Guatemala
"Education is the means they are going to need to achieve their objectives and goals in life".
Marisol Ruiz
Teacher at #VoyaSer Peru.

The ultimate aim is to give them some quality help that allows them to have better future opportunities , in line with our company purpose and our sustainability strategy.

In this way, #VoyaSer affects three problems very present in Latin America, which have all been aggravated by the pandemic: the digital divide, school dropout and gender inequality.


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