The basis for real change
Transparency and ethical excellence are our commitment, both in the development of our business activity and in our relationship with our stakeholders. Because working with honesty and setting an example is fundamental to mobilize other agents and achieve a real change that has a positive impact on society.

Commitment to sustainability

The commitment to sustainability at Santillana and the PRISA Group in general is promoted by the highest governance bodies, through leadership that seeks a balance between profitability, social contribution, and environmental protection to ensure the creation of value in the medium and long term.
Our Code of Ethics
The basis of Santillana’s ethical culture is our Code of Ethics, which sets out our principles, standards and commitments in terms of human rights, defense of freedoms, equal opportunities, etc., and is a guide for the conduct of our employees in their day-to-day work.
This document is public and is available for consultation in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It is also part of the welcome pack given to employees at the time of their incorporation. There is also an online course, available to the entire workforce, to promote its correct application.

Compliance System
From the Code of Ethics emanate a series of rules on matters such as anti-corruption, gifts, personal data protection, etc., which constitute our Compliance system. These policies are available on the intranet and are reviewed annually, in order to confirm their validity and to make the necessary modifications to ensure their usefulness.
During fiscal year 2023, compliance models have been implemented in 13 countries in which Santillana operates.
In addition, all employees have at their disposal several whistle-blowing channels to report, anonymously, possible irregularities or non-compliances affecting the Group.