What we do
In an environment of digital and pedagogical transformation, aswell as protecting the quality and innovation of all our content, we work to offer schools, teachers, families and students a more comprehensive service, which incorporates technology, training and advice.
what we do
Educational Content and Services
At Santillana we have innovative and flexible solutions that respond to the needs of each educational center.
Our commitment to quality and technology has led us to create true learning ecosystems, in which everything is interconnected.

The subscription-model teaching systems are our most robust proposal, offering innovative methodologies and a more comprehensive service, which includes the support and advice of our network of coaches, the largest in Latin America.

Currently present in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil.
It puts the students at the centre of learning and positions the school as a space where learning happens by doing, reflecting, creating and innovating for a changing world.
Its main strengths are a cutting-edge pedagogical methodology and first-class educational content.
Present in 17 countries. It articulates all the needs of the school in a single system, adapting to each centre’s project to facilitate and enhance innovation strategies. Its objective is to become the ally of schools in their process of educational transformation, positioning them at the forefront of education and ensuring that all students are prepared for the future. 3 axes: innovation, expertise and partnership.
Our educational system for Catholic schools.
An innovative proposal aligned with the principles of the Global Compact on Education, which prepares students to face the challenges of today’s world, by instilling Christian values. It is based on five pillars that guarantee a unique educational experience: Living the Gospel today: supporting the entire educational community, transforming the educational experience, learning for life and building with families.
Children’s and Youth Literature
We are passionate about literature and all the experience and learning it brings. For this reason, through our main imprints of children’s and youth literature, we promote these premises and also base them on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We remain focused on bringing literature closer to our users so that it becomes part of their daily lives and lives thanks to digital loqueleo. Loqueleo digital is an ecosystem for all educational stages in which the reading experience is enhanced through reading, audiobooks and learning reading skills. It’s an opportunity to live and enjoy stories.
With a current offering of more than 1,000 titles in Spanish and more than 400 in Portuguese (Leiomundo), it covers a wide variety of themes and literary genres and presents the most outstanding authors.
In 2023, Loqueleo Digital was consolidated throughout Latin America, reaching more than 300,000 users.
The Habitats of Loqueleo Digital:
- Reading: digital reading
- Learning: gamification activities
- Listening: audiobooks

In terms of children’s literature, there is an important commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From a pedagogical point of view, it promotes awareness and acquisition of the PRISA Group’s main lines of work around the SDGs. We currently have more than 2 thousand titles that address topics related to the 2030 Agenda.
Language Learning
At Santillana we enhance English language learning with valuable content that we offer within our multidisciplinary teaching systems, such as Compartir and UNOi, and also independently, as in the case of Richmond Solution.

An innovative educational system designed to work together with schools in the transformation of their English language programmes. Its value promise lies in demonstrating the progress of students’ language skills through personalised teaching and learning experiences, through academic consulting, the use of educational technology and constant systematic evaluation.
One of the latest developments, integrated into its platform, is Richmond iRead, Santillana’s new and first digital reading programme for students of English in primary and secondary. Aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference, Richmond iRead allows students to practice literacy, aswell as helping those with reading-based learning disorders, such as dyslexia.
In 2023, Richmond Solution reached important milestones. These achievements include obtaining the ISTE Seal, evaluated according to the new standards, integration into the EdSurge Product Index Badge, and being named as a finalist in the BETT Awards, in the “International Digital Educational Resource” category.
More than 600,000 students in Latin America learn English with our educational solutions.