Launch of EDI
We set up our Integrated Digital Ecosystem (EDI), an environment where all our group educational systems come together, aswell as other functionalities adapted to the needs and digital maturity of each centre.

Leio Mundo
Our commitment to audiobooks and digital books continued with the launch of Leio Mundo in Brazil.
Commitment to sustainability
New publications from Santillana’s main educational systems in Colombia already include content printed on biodegradable, recyclable and compostable paper, made from 100% sugarcane fibre.

Agreement with EcoExploratorio
Santillana Puerto Rico and EcoExplatorio signed a collaboration agreement to increase the educational reach of STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) on the island.
Launch of CREO
We launched Creo, the educational system that responds to the needs of Catholic schools. Aligned with Pope Francis’ Global Compact on Education, the project provides academic and pastoral consultancy, management and teacher training, a high-quality curricular proposal and academic content, and pastoral content for all levels and profiles.

Santillana, in alliance with Entreculturas and Fe and Alegría, launched #VoyaSer in Peru and Guatemala, a comprehensive support programme aimed at girls at risk of exclusion in Latin America. Its purpose is to support them during their final year of secondary education, helping them complete compulsory education and acquire digital skills and socio-emotional competencies.
Special mention for the ‘Intraducibles’ project
The transmedia project ‘Intraducibles’ by the National Institute of Indigenous Languages, UNESCO and Santillana Mexico, received a special mention in the Cross Media Award category at the Bologna Fair.

Nos mueve Compartir
Compartir Chile created a new blog called Nos mueve Compartir, to create a community and provide quality content on educational transformation.

The Richmond Solution Experience
We hosted Richmond Solution Experience, an international event attended by nearly 3000 school owners, principals and teachers from all over Latin America.
Ethanol instead of gasoline in Brazil
We began to replace the gasoline used by our employees in Brazil for their business trips with ethanol, a more environmentally friendly fuel that that emits 90% less CO2.
"Los futuros de la educacion" Congress
We collaborated with the Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC) on the Congress ‘Los futuros de la educacion’ , held in Mexico.
UNOi Mexico Preschool Congress
UNOi Mexico organised its first Preschool congress, aimed at school heads and teachers of this educational level.

Publication of the book ’50 teachers who are transforming Latin America’
Santillana Argentina published the book ‘50 teachers who are transforming Latin America’, based on the interviews conducted as part of the Global Teacher Prize, the greatest global recognition for educators, promoted by the Varkey Foundation and UNESCO.

New offices in Bogota
Santillana Colombia opened its new offices in Bogota, which have been designed with environmental criteria and the wellbeing of all its employees in mind.

Loqueleo Digital landed in Mexico
Santillana extended its Loqueleo Digital ecosystem to Mexico.
New website for Fundaçao Santillana (Brazil)
Fundaçao Santillana (Brazil) unveiled its redesigned website, with news about the foundation, an extensive digital library, and also a new project for inclusive education: the Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations podcast.
Accession to the United Nations Global Compact
Santillana Educaçao and Moderna completed their process of joining the United Nations Global Compact.

First International Educational Marketing Congress
We hosted our first International Congress of Educational Marketing, within the framework of the ‘Escuelas Memorables’ initiative, with which we provide marketing and communication tools to directors in Latin America.

Alliance with the Institute for Child Development – ARIE
Santillana Peru and the Institute for Child Development – ARIE – came together to offer support to children after the pandemic.
Recognition for Moderna
Moderna was recognised by Top Educaçao as the most memorable brand in the category of Children’s and Youth Literature.

Environmentally Friendly Schools Project
Santillana Honduras took part in the Environmentally Friendly Schools Project, whose purpose is to promote among students the protection of the ecological environment through the implementation of good environmental practices.

Presentation of UNOi Intelligence
UNOi, Santillana’s educational innovation company, presented UNOintelligence, a project that seeks to revolutionise the educational paradigm in Mexico with an unprecedented concept based on intelligent data.

Recognition for our literature
Sonhozz by Salamandra, was chosen as the best Children’s Literature book at the 2022 Jabuti Awards in Brazil and the Uruguayan Book Chamber awarded the 2022 Bartolome Hidalgo prize for best Album Book to the ‘Alboroto animal’ story by Loqueleo.
UNESCO chair on Education for Sustainability and Global citizenship
Santillana Argentina collaborated as an allied company in the UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship, held at the University of San Andres.
Social Responsibility and Global Sustainability Awards
The #VoyaSer programme was one of the finalist initiatives in the Social Responsibility and Global Sustainability Awards.
Agreement with San Pablo España Publishing
CREO expanded its digital catalogue of children’s literature, with an agreement with San Pablo España to integrate religious works into Loqueleo Digital.

VIVALectura Awards
The Santillana Foundation renewed its commitment to the VIVALectura Awards, organised by the Ministry of Education in Argentina.
Book Donations
Santillana Ecuador collaborated, through a donation of books, with the Cecilia Rivadeneira Foundation, which supports children with cancer, and their families.