Digital transformation is already a reality present in all areas of society, including the education sector.
The speed at which new technologies evolve is changing our world and the way of teaching and learning as we know it. It is also changing the job market: according to the World Economic Forum, 77% of jobs in 2030 will require digital skills.
This makes it more necessary than ever for us to cultivate innovation and, at the same time, work towards ensuring an education where nobody is left behind.
We cultivate innovation in all our projects
In the context of digital transformation, creativity and continuous improvement are key aspects when it comes to providing new solutions and accelerating change. According to the World Economic Forum 2023 Report on the Markets of Tomorrow, education is one of the three most important areas for technological innovation.
Featured Project
Discover EDI: Santillana’s Integrated Digital Ecosystem
For this reason, all of us who are part of Santillana continually cultivate innovation. It is one of our company values and an element which is present in all the products and services that we offer.
Currently we have educational projects from 3 to 18 years of age, which include content, services and innovative methodologies.
Our subscription-based teaching systems, such as Compartir, UNOi and CREO, are our most comprehensive proposal, based on a 360º vision of the needs of the school, with the support of our network of coaches, the largest in Latin America.

Our commitment to technology has led us to develop true digital learning ecosystems in which everything is interconnected, with the aim of facilitating day to day school life and communication between the different educational agents (schools, families and students).
Today we have simple, intuitive platforms that encourage collaboration and communication, such as e-Stela, and powerful assessment tools, such as Pleno, which provide detailed knowledge of student learning levels.
These technological solutions have established themselves as key tools in online and hybrid teaching: in 2022, our digital solutions and platforms registered more than 128 million sessions and close to 3 million active users.Â
Featured Project
Discover UNOintelligence
Santillana digital platforms
Training to adapt to a new habitat
Acquiring digital skills and competencies is essential to be able to relate appropriately and responsibly with technology and to take advantage of digital transformation.
Featured Project
Discover SET21 and TecPro, two of our proposals to promote the learning of robotics and programming.
According to the World Economic Forum, 77% of jobs in 2030 will require digital skills.
In order to prepare students for this future, we have educational projects that integrate the use of technology and specific programmes that work on digital skills, critical and computational thinking and STEM skills.
In addition, we also support teachers in their training. We have a virtual space, Rutas Formativas, aimed at teachers, coordinators and school directors. In this environment, they can access a large amount of virtual training content, with programmes that update their knowledge and skills in areas such as digital skills, new methodologies, leadership and management solutions.
Our team of coaches also play a key role in facilitating the implementation of digital solutions in educational centres, with training and advice.
We have the largest network of coaches in Latin America.

Education that closes gaps: towards an inclusive digitalisation.
Digital transformation offers infinite advantages that have made our society progress. However, it has also revealed the enormous inequality which exists in many areas of the planet, where access to ICT is a luxury available to very few.
The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), in its Social Panorama report of 2022, cites the lack of connectivity as one of the great challenges of the region.
Featured Project
Discover the #Voyaser project, aimed at indigenous girls from low-income families.
Difficulty in accessing the internet is one of the reasons why many students have disassociated themselves from the educational system in these years in which there has been great progress in online and hybrid education. This isolation also affects their future opportunities in an increasingly technological world.
For this reason, Santillana’s sustainability strategy focuses on reducing these inequalities, with social projects such as #VoyaSer and with informative content on the subject, such as those disseminated through our publications Ruta Maestra (Colombia) and Educatrix (Brasil), which are open to the whole educational community.